9.1 Failure Examples
        Ex. 9.1.1 | Ex. 9.1.2

Example 9.1.1 - Femur Failure

Background: The shaft of a femur (thigh bone) can be approximated as a hollow cylinder. The significant loads that it carries are torques and bending moments.

Given: The femur shaft has an outside diameter of 24 mm and an inside diameter of 16 mm. The tensile strength of bone is taken to be Su = 120 MPa.
During strenuous activity, the femur is subjected to a torque of 100 N-m.

Req'd: The effective moment the bone can take without failure. Consider only torsion and bending loads, and take the bone to be a brittle material.

Image: eSkeletons Project

Solution: Since the bone is brittle, it follows the Maximum Normal Stress criteria. If the maximum Principal Stress is greater than the material Tensile Strength, sI > Su, the bone fails (fractures).

The element is taken on the left side of the femur as we look at it; the element is in the z-x plane. The Maximum Principal Stress is:

The contributing stresses are:

Solving the geometric terms:

I = 1.3069 x 10-8 m4;   J = 2.6138 x10-8 m4

so:    t = TRo/J = 45.9 MPa

Reducing the sI equation:

and rearranging:

For the bone to break, sI = Su = 120 MPa.
Since t = 45.9 MPa, we can solve for sx : sx = 102.44 MPa.

Using the Bending Stress formula (s=Mc/I), the Moment to break the bone is:

Example 9.1.2

Given: A Plane Stress element in a part made of the 6061-T6 is found to have the following stress:
sx = 5.6 ksi; sy = 9.9 ksi, and txy = 5.0 ksi.
The Axial Yield Strength, SY, of 6061-T6 aluminum is 35 ksi, and its Shear Yield Stress, tY, is 24 ksi.

(a) Factor of Safety using Tresca Criterion.
(b) Factor of Safety using von Mises Criterion.


Step 1: The Tresca Condition is based on the Maximum Shear Stress. The Max. In-Plane Shear Stress is given by:

Absolute Value:
|tmax,in-plane| = 5.4 ksi

To find the Out-of-Plane Shear Stresses, we need to find the In-Plane Principal Stresses:

Absolute Values:
|sI| = 13.2 ksi        |sII| = 2.3 ksi 

Considering all directions, for Plane Stress, the Maximum Shear Stress, tmax is:

Solving: tmax = 6.6 ksi


F.S.(Tresca) = 20/tmax = 3.0

Step 2: The von Mises Criterion is based on Maximum Distortion Energy. The von Mises (or Equivalent) Stress for a Plane-Stress element is:

From Principal Stresses From General Stresses

If the Equivalent Stress, so, exceeds the uniaxial Yield Stress, the material is deemed to have yielded.

Using either equation, solving for the equivalent stress gives : so = 12.2 ksi

F.S.(von Mises) 35/so = 2.9

  • Note, the ratio SY:tY for design values of 6061-T6 Aluminum is 35:20 = 1.75. Note, these values are rounded.
  • From the von-Mises Criterion, if only shear stress, t, acts at a point (sx=sy=0), then at yielding, so = 1.732t = 1.732tY = SY; or SY:tY=1.732.
  • From Tresca, if we calculate the Maximum Shear Stress, tmax, developed in a uniaxial tension test at yielding (sx=SY; sy=0), we would find that tmax = sx/2 = SY/2 and predict the Shear Yield Stress, tY = SY/2 = 17, or SY:tY=2.
  • Thus, the von Mises Model is the better model for 6061-T6 Aluminum.