» Superposition
The principal method of solving problems of Combined
Loadings is through the METHOD of SUPERPOSITION.
In a nutshell, the Method of Superposition involves:
1) Break the problem into parts where only one type of load
2) Solve for the stresses resulting from the load;
3) Assemble the solutions to solve for the whole problem.
Several rules must be considered when applying the Method of Superposition:
- You can only add Like Stresses (i.e., two normal stresses;
do not add a shear stress to a normal stress);
- You can only add stresses like forces when they act over the same
physical area;
- The Method of Superposition only works if the system remains LINEAR, that is, the material must not exceed the yield condition;
- There must not be an interaction effect among independently applied loads - stresses due to one load are not affected by the presence of other loads;
The Method of Superposition is covered in more detail on the following