5.1 Torsion Member Examples
        Ex.. 5.1.1 | Ex. 5.1.2 | Ex. 5.1.3

Example 5.1.1

Given: A stepped-shaft (Polar Moment of Inertia J1, J2) made of two materials (shear moduli G1, G2). The shaft is fixed (no rotation) at the top. Torques are applied about the shaft's axis: 3T (counterclockwise about the +y-axis at Pt. B) and T (clockwise about the +y-axis at Pt. E).

Req'd: Total rotation of the bar, qtotal.


Step 1. Equilibrium:
Solve for the reaction at Pt. A: R = 2T (clockwise about +y-axis, "negative" torque).

Step 2. Twist/Torque of Elements:
Break up the bar into lengths over which all the values (torque, cross-section and modulus) are constant.

The top length of the shaft, AB, has length, a, Polar Moment of Inertia, J1, modulus, G1, and carries torque 2T (negative torque on the positive face of AB).

With Cross-section (Section) A fixed, the rotation of Section B with respect to Section A is:

Taking each of the other lengths with constant torque, section and modulus:

Step 3. Compatability:
The total rotation is then:

Free Body Diagrams of Shaft.

Angular Deflection of Stepped Shaft.

Example 5.1.2

Given: A drill bit is imbedded a length, L, into a piece of wood. The drill applies a torque of T. The surrounding wood applies a uniform shear force per unit length of the bit acting on the surface of the bit. Assume that the drill bit is a simple cylinder of radius, R and length, L.

Req'd: The rotation of the imbedded length. Again, measure x from where T=0.


Step 1. Equilibrium:
Over dx, the torque, area and modulus are essentially constant. The torque at cross-section x is T(x) = -T(x/L), where x is measured from the tip of the drill bit.

Step 2. Twist/Torque of Elements:
The rotation, dq, of each dx is:

Step 3. Compatability
Integrate the dq to get the total rotation.

  • J(x) = pR4/2 and G(x)=G are constant over L.
  • Torque T(x) varies from 0 to T, linearly. T(x)= -T(x/L)

The total rotation is found by integrating:

Drilling into a piece of wood.



 Element dx long extracted from shaft.

Because a negative torque acts on the positive x-face:

T(x) = -T (x/L)

The negative sign means that as viewed along the positive x-axis, the left end rotates clockwise w.r.t. the right end. In other words, viewed in the negative x-direction, the rotation of the right end w.r.t. the left is counterclockwise (positive rotation on a negative face).

The shear force is keeping the business-end of the bit from rotating with the drill end... the right end lags the left end.

Example 5.1.3

Given: A certain drill motor requires 1/2 hp to turn a 3/8" in drill bit at 800 rpm into a block of wood.

Req'd: The maximum shear stress in the drill bit. Model the bit as a solid shaft.


Step 1. Torque:
The maximum torque in the bit will occur at the end closest the collet and is given by:

T = 33,000 P[hp]

= 33,000 (0.5 hp)

2p(800 rpm)
= 3.28 ft-lb = 39.4 in-lb

Step 2. Shear stress:
The maximum shear stress for a solid shaft is given by:

tmax = 16 T

= 16(39.4 in-lb)

p(.375 in)3
= 535 psi = 0.54 ksi