4.3 Fasteners
        Bearing Stress | Shear Stress

» Fasteners
Bolts, rivets, nails, screws, etc., hold parts of a structure together by transferring load from one component to another. Two important types of stress in Fasteners are BEARING STRESS and SHEAR STRESS.

» Bearing Stress
BEARING STRESS is the stress caused by one part acting directly on another. Bearing stress, as the name implies, is a compressive stress and is equal to the Bearing Force divided by the Bearing Area.

In typical Bolted or Riveted Connections we are mainly interested in the AVERAGE BEARING STRESS, sB, which is the Bearing Force divided by the Projected Area of the Fasteners:

sB =
Bearing Force

Projected Area

Projected Areas of Rivet.

» Shear Stress
The AVERAGE SHEAR STRESS, tS, in Fasteners is simply the Force divided by the Cross-Sectional Area, which is generally a circle.

tS =

Cross-section Area

Spherical Stress FBD.