» Pressure Vessels PRESSURE VESSELS are
used to contain gasses or liquids under (high) pressure. There are two
common shapes: cylindrical and spherical. Due to internal
pressure, the walls of pressure vessels are generally in tension.
Pressure vessels can often be considered to be thin-walled (the
wall thickness is much less than the vessel's radius). A vessel is generally
considered to be thin-walled if t < 0.1R (or
R > 10t).
» Cylindrical Pressure Vessels Some examples of CYLINDRICAL PRESSURE
VESSELS include propane tanks, fire extinguishers, shaken soda
cans, and boilers. Cylindrical Pressure Vessels are subjected to two types
of stresses: Hoop (Circumferential) Stress, sH
and Axial (Longitudinal) Stress, SL
These stresses are derived by taking a cuts through the cylinder
and noting that the forces that act across that cut must sum to zero:
Hoop Stress:
F = 0 2pRL = 2sHtL
sH =
Hoop Stress FBD.
Longitudinal Stress:
F = 0
= sL(2pRt)
Longitudinal Stress
on a cross-section.
» Spherical Pressure Vessels Due to the 3-dimensional symmetry of SPHERICAL
PRESSURE VESSELS, stress is generally uniform throughout.
The stresses in Spherical Pressure Vessels (called Spherical Stress,
sS) is calculated in
the same fashion as with Cylindrical Pressure Vessels:
Spherical Stress:
F = 0
= sS(2pRt)
sS =
Spherical Stress FBD.
» Deformation of Pressure Vessels DEFORMATION of Cylindrical and Spherical Pressure Vessels can be derived from the stresses using Hooke's Law. Because of the biaxial stress state, the Poisson Effect must be considered.
Pressure Vessel
Stress/Strain Elements
(the reader should be able to derive these)