NSF-CCLI   Project:
Enhancing Student Learning Through State-of-the-Art Systems Level Design and Implementation

The PCB Project at AHC is part of a Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Grant funded by the National Science Foundation. The title of the grant is given above.

The goal of the project is to enhance current courses, and add other courses as necessary, by incorporating Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design and assembly into the curriculum. In the upper division, this includes a 2-course design sequence and incorporating a broader appreciation of all that goes into electronic components.

At the community college (lower-division) level, students will be introduced to PCB design, manufacture, assembly, testing. The PCB will be incorporated into an existing lab exercise in the general sophomore-level circuits course/lab.

A general summary of the Community College Component (from the original NSF application is shown here).

During Spring 2008, the curriculum with be "field tested" by a group of AHC students. The students will:

  1. learn a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool for Printed Circuits Boards (PCB)  by completing 2 tutorials;
  2. learn to solder electrical components to PCBs (practice board, and a working circuit);
  3. design an Op-Amp Circuit, specifications to be given. Create a gerber file so that the PCB can be manufactured;
  4. order the PCB and parts from an online vendor(s);
  5. assemble the PCB-circuit and test it;
  6. Do the Op-Amp Experiment based on the Op-amp circuit your designed/built;
  7. Report on their experience/present their work at Cal Poly at the end of the semester (I am thinking Friday May 23...you should be done with finals).
  8. Write assessments/fill in forms about the individual steps and the overall process.

Cal Poly Partners:
Prof. Al Liddicoat, Computer Engineering, Principal Investigator
Prof. John Pan, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Prof. Jim Harris, Computer Engineering
Prof. Lynne A. Slivovsky, Computer Engineering

Allan Hancock College
Prof. Dom Dal Bello

As part of the standard NSF requirement to spread information, several paper have already been submitted to the annual conference of the American Society of Engineering Education (June 08), and ASEE's Frontiers in Engineerng conference (October 08).
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