Sample Excel Worksheets
either already complete, or you finish them.
Samples built by D. Dal Bello

Attendance Sheet
Put an "x" "o" or "e" to mark "Present", "Absent" or "Excused". Use of COUNTIF function.

Steel Bar Plot
Column Plot of distribution of strengths of a steel bar.

Building Load
Calculation of distributive load on roof and beams of a building for varous wind and snow loads. DJD. Use of IF function. Formatted so other engineers can used.

Temperature (you finish it)
Input Celsius. Convert to Fahrenheit. Use Conditional formatting to apply background color corresponding to "Hot" "Warm" "Cool" and "Freezing" temperatures.
Grade Sheet (you finish it)
Input grades, calculate Homework, Exam, Final Scores. Sum up scores. Automatically give grade using IF function.
Samples from : Excel for Engineers and Scientists, Bloch S., John Wiley and Sons, 2003
Vector Algebra
Magnitude, Addition, Subtraction:
Dot Product, Cross-Product, Angles
Dealing with matrixes in Excel!
Surface Plot
3-d plot example.