Engineering Program Allan Hancock College |
Updated: 01/24/12
Course Offerings The following is a list of AHC Engineering courses and their
catalog descriptions. As appropriate, the Cal Poly and UCSB courses to which they are equivalent to are listed at the end of each entry, e.g., AHC's ENGR 152 is equivalent to Cal Poly's ME211 and UCSB's ME14. |
Engr 100 - Intro to Engineering |
Engr 156 - Strength of Materials |
ENGR 100 - Introduction to
Engineering 1 unit |
Fall |
124 - EXCEL in Science/Engineering 1
unit An introduction to Excel for engineering and science majors. Students use math operations, functions, statistics and graphs to analyze and display data, and to differentiate and integrate. Basic scientific and engineering application problems are solved. |
ENGR 126 - MATLAB in Science/Engineering 1 unit |
152 - Statics 3 units The study of force systems and equilibrium conditions, emphasizing engineering problems covering structures, distributed forces, beams, cables and friction. The subject matter of the course is basic to the understanding of all problems where vector analysis is involved. Cal Poly: ME211. UCSB: ME14. |
154 - Dynamics 3 units The study of the motion of bodies under action of forces; motion of particles, systems of particles, rigid bodies. Engineering applications such as machinery, rockets, spacecraft propulsion. Cal Poly: ME212. UCSB: ME16. |
156 - Strength of Materials 4
units A study of the stresses, strains and deformations due to various loads on bars, shafts, beams, and pressure vessels. The course covers stress and strain transformation, Mohr's Circle, ductile and brittle failure theories, and the buckling of columns. Cal Poly: CE201 or 204/207. UCSB: ME15. |
161 & 162 - Materials Science & Lab 3+1
units Intro to atomic bonding and crystal structure of materials, and ways in which these determine their physical, mechanical and electrical properties. The course covers metals, alloys, ceramics, insulators, semiconductors, polymers. Cal Poly: MATE 210/215. |
Spring |
ENGR 170 & 171 - Electric Circuit Analysis & Lab 3+1
units |
ENGR 172 & 3 - Circuits and Devices & Lab
3+1units |
179 - Workshop: Engr Problem Solving 0.5
units Advanced engineering problem solving techniques. Students solve advanced problems based on material from co-requisite courses. Students perform computer-aided analysis using a Finite Element Analysis package for structures, and PSpice and/or Electronics Workbench for circuits. An introduction to the design process. Computer analysis will be used to help design a basic engineering system. |
Other: |
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